Post Date: 17 Jan 2013
"On January 17th 2013 Jose Cordovilla -the Team Leader of Kogas' Project IWSSI (Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Institute)- made a presentation about the initiative at the Indonesia Water and Wastewater Expo and Forum 2013. The conference was held in Jakarta.
The presentation was part of the Forum about Water Operator Partnerships (WOPs). WOPs are twinning arrangements between two or more operators where one operator acts as a mentor and transfer knowledge about certain operational and organizational aspects in order to help the recipient operator improve their performance.
The IWSSI project is funded by AusAid and managed by the ADB. Its purpose is the building of capacity in water and wastewater operators in Indonesia, through the creation of a training and professional certification academy.
One of the main purposes of the IWSSI will be the gathering and dissemination of knowledge and skills products that result from the WOPs, so that all operators in Indonesia can benefit from the lessons learnt in the one-to-one twinnings.
The audience of the presentation was composed mainly of managers from a number of PDAMs in Indonesia. Jose Cordovilla explained the background of the IWSSI project, the objectives, a brief description of the project progress and implementation challenges."
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