Implementation Consultant SPAM Regional WOSUSOKAS thumbnail

Implementation Consultant SPAM Regional WOSUSOKAS

Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing of the Republic of Indonesia

At a Glance




Central Java


Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing of the Republic of Indonesia


30 Sep 2021


Project Supervision, Technical Assistance

Project Name

Implementation Consultant SPAM Regional WOSUSOKAS




Central Java


Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing of the Republic of Indonesia


HYDEA SpA- Italia (Lead Firm), SWS Consulting Engineering S.r.l,

Duration of Assignment

38 months

Start Date

30 Sep 2021

Approx. Value of the Contract


The Regional Water Supply System Wosusokas will be developed in Central Java Province that contributes to increasing the coverage of safe access of drinking water supply to four districts of Wonogiri, Sukoharjo, Surakarta, and Karanganyar (Wosusokas) with water from the Gajah Mungkur Reservoir.


The project activities shall be financed from the loan (KfW):

  1. Construction of a water treatment plant with an initial (phase-1) capacity of 750 l/s
  2. Construction of 8 off-taker reservoirs
  3. Booster pump stations
  4. Main distribution pipelines of about 80 km from the WTP to the various off-taker reservoirs.
  5. Those project activities will be divided up to 5 construction contracts in 5 sites.

The necessary water abstraction works consisting of an intake, raw water transmission mains and storage tanks have already been implemented by the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Directorate of Water Resources, as a separate project and are therefore not part of this project.


The objectives of the Consultant’s assignment are to provide high-quality technical expertise for the preparation and Implementation of the Regional Water Supply System Wosusokas Project which includes:

  1. Review/update existing DED all components of main distribution networks of drinking water including reservoirs (offtake reservoir), and booster pump;
  2. Review/update existing DED of all components of WTP, if needed during the construction works;
  3. Develop bidding documents and conduct tender assistance for Infrastructure works procurement;
  4. Supervising works of construction;
  5. To ensure a successful and efficient implementation of the project while respecting the timeline and the allocated budget, and;
  6. To support the PEA in achieving the defined project indicators.

For this purpose, the Consultant will provide expertise in engineering, design, project management and construction supervision to the PEA.

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