Provincial Department of Public Works and Transport (PDPWT) of Savannakhet Province : ADB Loan
Completed/Project Experience
Kaysone Phomvihane (the Provincial Capital), Phine, and Dansavanh, all in Savannakhet Province.
Provincial Department of Public Works and Transport (PDPWT) of Savannakhet Province : ADB Loan
03 Aug 2018 - 04 May 2020
Project Supervision
Project Name
GMS – East-West Economic Corridor Towns Development Project – Lao PDR; Loan no. 2931-LAO(SF), Grant no. 0313-LAO(SF), Grant No. 0314-LAO(UEIF): Construction Supervision Consultants Services Contract No: QCBS-6.1-CSCS
Kaysone Phomvihane (the Provincial Capital), Phine, and Dansavanh, all in Savannakhet Province.
Provincial Department of Public Works and Transport (PDPWT) of Savannakhet Province : ADB Loan
PT Inacon Luhur Pertiwi (as a Lead Firm), MIRA Consultant Sole Co., Ltd., and A-Pro Consulting Sole Co., Ltd., of Lao PDR
Duration of Assignment
Start Date
03 Aug 2018
Completion Date
04 May 2020
Approx. Value of the Contract
USD 1654925
The purpose of the Consulting Services is to provide Construction Supervision (CS) services for each of the six sub-projects in accordance with this Scope of Services (SOS). The CS services will include the management and supervision of all sub-project construction contracts to ensure that the various contractors’ deliver the completed sub-projects on time, within budget and to the required standards of quality in accordance with the designs, specifications and conditions of contract. There will be a handover period with the PMSCD consultants to ensure smooth running of the construction contracts.
The scope will cover six (6) physical sub-projects located in the three (3) project towns. All six projects have been awarded and construction has commenced on most of the sub-projects. Currently construction supervision is being provided through the PMSCD consultants, which will continue until July 2018. The background documents and/or BD for the sub-projects will be available from the PMUs office. The Sub-projects are:
i. Kaysone Phomvihane Wastewater: (i) septage management – procurement of sludge tankers; (ii) wastewater management – WWTP in central area; (iii) drainage component – construction of a drainage component, incl. drainage pump station.
ii. Kaysone Phomvihane Solid Waste Management: (i) establishment of sanitary landfill methods on the existing 16 hectare (ha) solid waste disposal dumpsite; and (ii) procurement of equipment including collection trucks and facilities. This subproject includes the Materials Recovery Facility: (i) construction of a 1,350 square metres (m2) building which will contain a materials recovery facility and composting plant near the existing solid waste disposal dump site.
iii. Kaysone Phomvihane Urban Roads: Upgrading and widening of approximately 8,400 m of roads under two contracts (i) Kaysone Phomvihane urban roads and (ii) Fa Ngum Road.
iv. Phine Urban Roads: (i) upgrading and widening of 9,420 m of roads into asphalt concrete pavement; and (ii) construction of open drainage canals (1.5m to 2.0m wide), sidewalks and street lights.
v. Dansavanh Urban Roads and Bridge: (i) improving and widening of 4,230 m of roads with concrete asphalt pavement; (ii) construction of 50m span bridge across the Alone River, including the construction of 3,500 m of stormwater drainage and street lights.
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